Moringa Powder
Do you want an antioxidant rich energy booster?
Boost your energy levels today with Moringa Oleifera Powder, the most nutrient-dense plant yet discovered. Moringa is know around the world as a rich source of vegetable protein (30%). It contains 18 amino acids including all 9 essential amino acids, 46 active antioxidants, 36 anti- inflammatories. In additional it contains 16x the calcium of milk, 15x the potassium of bananas, 10x the Vitamin A of carrots, 9x the protein in yogurt, 4x the Chlorophyll of wheat grass and 1/2 the vitamin C found in oranges as well as Beaten, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid, Kaempferol, Silymarin and essential minerals such as Zinc and iron. Moringa Oleifera is natures whole-food complex, which makes it easy for your body to recognize, absorb and assimilate.
Antioxidants are compounds which activity quench free-radicals and this helps to prevent cellular damage, the common pathway for cancer, aging and a variety of diseases. With an impressive score of 157,000. Moringa Oleifera Powder topped all other antioxidant super foods, beating rivals such as turmeric at 127,000 açaí at 102,700, coco powder at 55,653 pomegranates at 4,479 and blueberries at only 2,400.
Moringa contains Flavonolds and EGCG Moringa Leaf Powder is also rich in flavonoids, such as catechin polyphenols and especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). It has been suggested that these extremely powerful antioxidants may have therapeutic applications in the treatment of many medical disorders and overall well-being.
Boost Your Energy Levels Today with Our Moringa powder
We recommend taking 1-2 teaspoons two times daily for a noticeable increase in energy within 3-4 weeks.
Moringa Health Benefits
Boosts energy levels and increase vitality
Increase focus, mental clarity and stamina
Packed with an abundance of all natural anti-aging nutrients and minerals.
Boosts the immune system
Helps to maintain healthier blood sugar levels and healthier blood pressure
Improves mobility and flexibility
Aids with joint pain
Recover faster from physical workouts
Overall well-being
Our Moringa is naturally caffeine-free
How to take Moringa Powder
Add 1-2 teaspoons of Moringa Powder to a liquid smoothie or shake, then blend thoroughly. You may also sprinkle Moringa Powder on top of many dishes and salads prior to serving, or simple stir into soups and sauces.
No synthetic ingredients. No animal products or by products, Moringa Powder is pure wholesome food.